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Texas Gold Raw Milk Cheddar
Texas Gold Raw Milk Cheddar 1

Texas Gold Raw Milk Cheddar

$13.75  $14.2513.75
8 oz
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$13.75  $14.2513.75
8 oz
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With a natural golden coloring from their herd of grass-fed and pasture-raised Jersey cows, Texas Gold Cheddar is mild with nice protein crystals in the paste, smooth yet firm, and has a slightly sweet and nutty flavor. Made with raw milk and aged on-site in Stephensville, TX, these gilded wheels are aged for 3-4 months in caves constructed by founder, Stuart Veldhuizen, himself.

How we love to eat this: 
-Sliced on any cheese or snack plate (pairs well with honey, spicy pepper jam, and apples) 
-Grated over French onion soup 
-A great addition to any quiche or frittata

Veldhuizen Farm is lovingly managed using regenerative and sustainable methods over their 180 acres. Their goal is to better the soil to grow healthier, chemical, and pesticide-free crops for their cows to graze on. Veldhuizen grows as much of their own feed as possible and is obsessive about the variety of grasses (and pea shoots!) growing in their pastures, providing their cows with food varieties suited to their seasonal needs, making for healthy and happy dairy animals, richer milk, and even more delicious cheese.
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